TOKYO Teshigoto

Experience the superior texture of kumihimo braiding in your hand

Ryuta Fukuda—-third proprietor of Ryukobo—-a well-known, long-established studio in the traditional area of Nihonbashi—has created a one-of-a-kind ballpoint pen. It features a traditional naiki braid at the grip. The diagonally-running fabric, and its feel in the hand and fingers, engender a perfect fit as well as smooth writing!

The parts designed for this pen come together to create a structure that eliminates stress on the hands. The parts other than the kumihimo braiding are decorated and colored by Koji Orii, third in a line of artisans at Takaoka Doki.

Tokyo Kumihimo Braiding
Ryukobo Co., Ltd.

Rising Dragon
Varieties: 2(2 colors)
Materials: Pure silk, polyester, aluminum, and brass
Size/weight: Approximately 155㎜/12㎜/12㎜/60g each
Suggested retail price: ¥49,500 each
<Click here to purchase>
Nippon Department Store (in-store)
Koikiya Tokyo (online-store)

*The information on this site is as of May 2024.

*Sizes, colours and shapes of the actual products may differ slightly as they are

*Product specifications and suggested retail prices may change without prior notice.