2023 Tokyo Metropolitan Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion Agency Director’s Award Kurokawa Knife Series (Shojiro Hasami Hamono Kougei Ltd.)
Japanese knives combining traditional technique and cutting-edge technology. Metal hammering produces blackened tone. Seamless bamboo handles in oval and octagonal shapes. For everything fromdetailed to powerful cutting work. Blackened blade tone protectsblades from rust as well as looks beautiful.
Imbued with quality down to the finest detail by seasoned artisans.
The result is a stunning combination of the traditional and the innovative.
Shojiro Hasami Hamono Kougei Co.,Ltd.
286-0846 697-1 Matsuzaki,Narita,Chiba
TEL +81(0)3-476-26-8061
FAX +81(0)3-476-36-7566
Shojiro Ishizuka